I work in ecology and habitat management services. I have over 18 years experience, working on a number of UK projects and at SSSI sites, e.g.
- Wallasea Island, Essex - water vole fencing and water draw down
- East-West Rail project, Oxfordshire - vegetation clearing (site supervisor)
- Gatwick airport - large scale tree and whip planting for the Gatwick flood relief scheme
- Reptile and GCN fencing at various sites in Devon, Kent, Surrey and Sussex
- Box Hill, Surrey (National Trust site)
My experience and qualifications are shown below:
2 years experience at Thompson Habitats, Guildford, Surrey (various roles)
9 years experience as a countryside warden at the National Trust, Box Hill, Surrey
2 years experience as a gardener at Kew Gardens, Surrey
- MSc in Biological Recording (University of Birmingham), Shrewsbury, Shropshire
- BA in Botany from Royal Holloway (University of London), Egham, Surrey
I also undertake freelance ecology and habitat management projects.